About me

T. M. Thomas
Hello. Thank you for stopping by my website. I am T. M. Thomas, and I am embarking on a new dream to become a successful writer of fiction.
As you are here reading this, I am hoping that you would like to join me on this journey.
I was raised in Essex in the UK, and loved reading and writing from an early age. With most things to do with media or entertainment I respect everyone's attempt to create something. As a child I used to disappear into a writing book and try to create new worlds and stories based on things that I liked around me at the time. Sometimes with very strange results (Imagine Star Wars characters meeting George Michael during his Wham days whilst driving around Essex in Don Johnson's Ferrari Testarossa from Miami Vice).
My first foray into the creative world was as a singer in local heavy metal bands in the 1990's, where I also edited and published a local music fanzine and wrote the occasional gig review for the local newspaper, The Thurrock Gazette.
In the mid 1990's I also had two poems published in a poetry anthology called 'Best Friends'.
And then I had a mortgage and worked hard to stay on the property ladder in various jobs, whilst my spare time to be creative slowly ebbed away.
Around 2015 I finally found time to write again and started on a children's book that I was writing for my daughter. I suddenly began having ideas for many stories that I would like to see on paper, of all genres, both for adults and children. And so, I began writing again. I would carry a pen and a notebook everywhere I went and jot down ideas as they came to me. One day, whilst waiting for my daughter to finish a dancing class, I had an idea for a story called 'Vanished'. The words flowed and I ran away with the story. By the time the dancing class ended I had written the prologue and most of the first chapter.
On 14th March 2021 I finally published 'Vanished' in paperback through Amazon.
Other ideas that I have will span various genres. In much the same way that I enjoy watching a story in TV or movie format in any genre, I also like to read a story in various genres. Therefore I will write in various genres. I could just as easily watch a sci-fi film as a paranormal film, a thriller, a period drama, a comedy or an animated childs film. I get bored if I stick to the same genre all of the time. 'Vanished' could be classed as sci-fi/dystopian/apocalyptic with a hint of time travel and romance. Ideas for future stories that I have are romance, thrillers, paranormal, comedy, a total mixed bag. Is this the right thing to do? I don't know yet but I hope you stick along for the ride with me to find out.
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